After many hours of doing other things and laundering that canvas paper (twice) I finally transferred my dupe drawing of the Sam & Max Hit The Road cover and am gonna get a base wash or whatever its called of paint on and maybe a bit of an underpainting done before crashing. I cherish the nights I’m allowed to be a night owl.
I’m acting like I know what I’m doing when it comes to painting but I honeslty haven’t done it much outside of assignments from my high school AP Drawing and Painting class so… yeah. It’s been a few years and I refuse to review any technique cause I’m stubborn and very self-assured. Plus I used damn colored pencils like they were paint then anyway. Well, I still have the painting shit I stole from that class and some free time and a desire to practice painting again so… makin myself a Purcell piece to put on my wall. What fun!
To indulge in the nature of the ramble this post has become: this piece marks a fun lil time in the development of his personal style. I’d say this most evidently marks the transition between his more round/juxtaposed style from his college years that comes off a lot more concerned with technique (see the very perfect way the architecture, objects, and vehicles are drawn, though they still adhere to a comic style) as opposed to the very cut and angular way everything is drawn in his later, probably more recognizeable since it’s associated with the cartoon and probably the telltale games cause he did a few illustrations for those I’m pretty sure also the webcomic! Sam & Max visually come off as much less of an oddity in Purcell’s current style which works well considering that there’s anthropomorphic cockroaches n shit in the series but that contrast that the two have in the early style is something that just really catches my attention I love it. I’d also like to mention that the balloon/stuffie-like quality Max has in the first published comics is just perfect. Not totally sure how to articulate it but it definitely accentuates the campiness of his concept. Also Sam reads much more as chubby which I feel is a bit lost in the later style along with in his 3D model and It was always a tiny bit disconcerting cause that’s the subject of a decent amount of remarks and jokes within the franchise. Had a slimmer/a bit more pinched of a silhouette and a smaller dog face n shit and like a vague notion of a neck in the later stuff. Emphasis on vauge haha. I realize that bit probably sounds like crazy-talk but oh well, it’s my trivial opinion.
What I’m tryna say is that I like the early comic style a lot if that point got muddled!
(Probably my favorite panel from the Sam & Max comics. Why’s this rabbit stuffie playing with his lavish airplane meal? How come Sam’s staring right at the reader? Is Max saying “yeep” as in some sort of onomatopoeia or “yeep” as a drawn out sarcastic “yep”? I like to think the prior because it’s funnier, dude’s just makin sounds for the hell of it and damn me if I don’t love doin the same).
Anyway, happy trails n whatnot to y’all, Ima actually work on this damn painting that I told myself I would do and luxuriate in the extra hours of free time Memorial Day is soon to grant me.