What the title says. I’ve had the tower finished for probably about two weeks now and have already started on the next piece but I’ve been really busy and haven’t gotten a chsnce to go scan it, and if I haven’t been busy I’ve been disgustingly sick. Currently stuck at home with a nasty sinus and ear infection because I didn’t take good enough care of myself when I had a cold last week. …I maybe, just MIGHT, be overworked. Just maybe.
As an apology for this prolonged wait, and also just because I like sharing stuff with y’all, here’re some sketches and the like from the past while.
The progress I’ve made on The Star when I’ve had time over the weekend/the week!
A little accordion comic I’m making for fun! Its been likened to a physical webtoon due to its format. Tells a goofy story with my friend’s and I’s current D&D characters. I plan to make copies to share with them.