Been taking a break from the tarot drawings for a myriad of reasons but mainly because I want to spend my free time working on other things for a bit. Here’s a lil thing I’ve been working on for goofs and gaffs related to the current D&D campaign I’m in. If you saw the lil comic I posted recently, you’ll probably recognize some of the characters shown here. The two ladies are Evelyn and Evangeline, they’re mother and daughter and my friend’s characters. The man with the braid is my character, Guy, and the goblin kid with the hat (though depicted somewhat unfaithfully for comedic effect) is Maxwell who is the main NPC venturing with the party. Vinris Canephym is one of the big evil guys, he’s basically fantasy Elon Musk, and Szlomo the Baby-Child is an inside joke turned in-universe show. They watch it on orbs… I guess.
I haven’t used microliners in a hot minute. It was strange drawing with pencil then going over it, made me a bit sad cause the pencil sketches had a very pretty quality to them. I need to buy myself some new ones because I rediscover how much I like using them every six months, yet I continue to be content with a pack bought for me way back when I was in middle school and an assortment of ones I stole from the art classes I took in high school. That is, the ones that still work. Which is not many.
Anyway, art, woo! I’ve been working on my cosplays for C2E2 this year (which I am so excited for, I was gifted a 3 day pass!!) but I’ll probably just share those when I’m done or on a day closer to the convention. I made my first cosplay entirely from scratch last year when I went as Jinx from Arcane and it turned out great so I’m going all in this year with two of ‘em (one is just too expensive to make from scratch so I’ll be upcycling). I meant to share pictures of my Jinx cosplay here last year but never got to it.
I need to work on my letter spacing.